
FableHaven is a semi-realistic horse roleplay with a twist. FableHaven was born when I thought of merging the natural and unnatural world to create something unique but smething that also works. Having said that, FableHaven consists of both natural and unnatural equines.

Gods and goddesses were brought to FableHaven with the thought that they would have active roles among the mortals. With the idea that the mortals would of course worship them, along with the minor gods and goddesses, and in turn receive blessings and gifts, or even curses and plagues depending on their moods. This is interactive and free of any influence from the admins.

Without further adeui, I give you... FableHaven, the realm of Legends.

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by ripshank A paragraph with a floating image. A paragraph with a floating image. A paragraph with a floating image.about endevi


Smiley face Hey all! Arb here to talk about myself... uh..... well
Basics i suppose is a start?
I am an animal lover! WOO! Currently getting back into the dog industry as a groomer, love this job you have NO IDEA! So i work there full time most days. Mornings so evenings are usually free for random things like RP! So hit me up if you wanna chat plots ;P
Anywho, I am also a long time horse trainer and riding coach. Speciallizing mainly in dressage and general riding. I used to compete but not anymore as I find it not as satisfying as helping yougn riders grow.
On the side I am a graphic designer, mainly doing character art for non comercial clients and advertisements for comercial use clients.
and.. uh..
...ARb out! -drops mike-


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